CURE_Diabetic eye care

Diabetic Eye Care – 2020

In 2018 it was estimated 3,5 Million South Africans had been diagnosed with diabetes, and another 5 Million South Africans had been diagnosed with pre-diabetes (

It is estimated that 55% of diabetic patients remain undiagnosed (1) meaning there are potentially 18 Million South Africans with, or at risk of developing, diabetes.

Diabetic eye disease is the third leading cause of preventable blindness (2) in South Africa.


Diabetic retinal disease (retinopathy) correlates with duration of diagnosis:

  • After 10 years of diabetes there is a 50% chance of retinal changes
  • After 20 years of diabetes there is a 90% chance of retinal changes
  • IRRESPECTIVE of level of control
  • Good control helps decrease the severity of the retinopathy.

Diabetic eye disease is progressive.

Treatment becomes increasingly complicated, costly and less successful as the condition progresses.

Early treatment can decrease the risk of visual impairment by 90% (1)

Annual screening for diabetic eye disease is the minimum standard of care.


Less than 15% of diagnosed diabetic patients have undergone a specific  diabetes eye examination, and less than 3.5% have had their visual acuity checked (2).


Diabetic eye screening can readily be performed using undilated fundus photography and retinal scanning with OCT (Ocular Coherence Tomography).

This is convenient and easy for patients and requires no blurring drops.

Patients are able to drive themselves after the examination and continue with their daily activities immediately after the screening.


All Cure Day Hospitals affiliated Eye Specialists (Ophthalmologists) will be able to offer diabetic eye examinations.

In particular, Cure Day Somerset West, in association with the Somerset Eye Clinic, provides a comprehensive Diabetic Eye Evaluation Service for diabetic patients.

The service includes:

  • visual acuity checks,
  • undilated wide-field fundus photography,
  • OCT scanning of the retina,
  • diabetic retinopathy Risk Analysis and
  • diabetic retinopathy education provided by a medical doctor.

The service is supported by onsite ophthalmology services, should additional review be required.

The Cure Day Somerset West Day Hospital has specialised ophthalmic facilities and a dedicated Eye Theatre able to manage all levels of diabetic eye disease.

Diabetic Eye Evaluation Service
Paardevlei Specialist Medical Centre
16 Gardner Williams Avenue
Paardevlei, Somerset West
Tel: 021 824 1206

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