Urological Surgery

A testicular biopsy is a test to remove a small sample of tissue from one or both testicles

The surgical removal of the foreskin (the loose tissue) covering the glans of the penis

Diagnostic procedure that is used to look at the bladder (lower urinary tract), collect urine samples, and examine the prostate gland
Prostate biopsy – surgical procedure that involves removing a small piece of prostate tissue for microscopic examination.
Removal of a stone from the bladder through an incision or endoscopic puncture in its wall
Surgical procedure to remove the epididymis, which is an essential part of the male reproductive system
A hydrocele testis is an accumulation of clear fluid in the tunica vaginalis, the most internal of membranes containing a testicle
Correction of an abnormally attached frenum or frenulum, by surgically repositioning it.

Hernia repair
The surgical correction of an inguinal hernia (opening, weakness, or bulge in the lining tissue of the abdominal wall in the groin area between the abdomen and the thigh).

A localized connective tissue disorder of the penis that may result in formation of plaque, penile deformity, pain, erectile dysfunction and emotional stress
Excision of one or both testes, done when a testis is seriously injured or diseased
Excision of one or both testes, done when a testis is seriously injured or diseased
Orchiolysis – Correction of the Undescended Testicle without Fixation Orchiopexy – surgical fixation of an undescended testis in the scrotum.

Prostate tissue examination
A surgical procedure that involves removing a small piece of prostate tissue for microscopic examination.

A radiographic picture of the kidneys and ureters taken after the IV or intraureteral injection of a radiopaque contrast medium

Examining of prostate and bladder
Cystoscopy (cystourethroscopy) is a diagnostic procedure that uses a cystoscope, which is an endoscope especially designed for urological use, to examine the bladder, lower urinary tract, and prostate gland. A contrast agent can be injected and the kidneys and ureturs examined.

A spermatocele (epididymal cyst) is a painless, fluid-filled cyst in the long, tightly coiled tube that lies above and behind each testicle (epididymis)
Operation for the correction of a varicocele by ligature and excision and by ligation alone of the dilated veins

Male sterilisation
A surgical procedure performed on males in which the vas deferens (tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the seminal vesicles) are cut, tied, cauterised (burned or seared) or otherwise interrupted so conception cannot occur.

Anastomosis of the ends of the severed vas (ductus) deferens. Surgical anastomosis of vasa deferentia

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