General Surgery
Anal stretch
Anal dilatation refers to the procedure where the anal sphincter muscle is stretched, usually where narrowing or a painful fissure are present.
Removal of breast lump
Surgical removal, usually for examination by a pathologist, of a breast lump.
Bowel examination
The examination of the inside of the large bowel with a flexible, light tube.
Tissue treatment
Electrocauterisation of tissue during a surgical procedure to remove tissue, decrease bleeding etc.
Removal of mole
Surgical excision of a lipoma, i.e. benign, soft tumour of fatty tissue.
Ganglion removal
The surgical removal of a ganglion cyst (fluid-filled sac) on the skin of the wrist, finger, or sole of the foot.
The examination of the oesophagus and stomach with a flexible light tube.
Removal of hemorrhoids
A hemorrhoidectomy is surgery to remove internal or external hemorrhoids that are extensive or severe.
Hernia repair
The surgical correction of an inguinal hernia (opening, weakness, or bulge) in the lining tissue of the abdominal wall in the groin area.
The surgical removal of in-grown toe nails (the condition in which the edge of a nail cuts into the adjacent skin fold, causing pain, redness, and swelling).
Rectum examination
The examination of the rectum and lower part of the colon by a flexible tube.
Umbilical repair
An umbilical hernia repair is a surgical procedure performed to close an opening near the umbilicus (navel) that has allowed abdominal contents to protrude.